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I don’t know about you, but I always like things to look pretty at Christmas. However, costs mount up and it’s easy to get…
From Rudolf and Santa to Slinki Malinki and the proverbial Pukeko in a Punga Tree, there’s a Christmas-themed picture book for everyone. In most…
I have never purchased a Christmas tree – well, not a chopped down pine one, as such. At the same time, we never miss…
What am I on about I hear you say? Think about this: imagine a family member being diagnosed with say, cancer. Of course this…
Somehow, it’s almost Christmas and it’s time to start thinking about long summer days, celebrations and relaxing for a little while.
With the Christmas holidays just around the corner – that old familiar feeling is coming back… I think they call it madness. Not only…
In the old days when I was growing up – way back in the sixties and the seventies – school and home seemed like…
I was once told by a wise friend that we should take every opportunity that comes our way to celebrate. It could be taking…
Summer is my favourite time of the year for food. There are so many different types of fruits and vegetables available. Combine that with…