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As parents one of our key tasks is to help our children sleep so they can grow and flourish. In the early years, to…
With one hand holding your toddler and the other clutching the map, how many bags do you really want to be lugging around with…
Here’s a super-simple and effective craft idea. The DIY jewellery hanger on painted driftwood is perfect for your teenager’s, or older kid’s room, to…
I had the pleasure of being invited along to a Seminar on Nutrition Nuts & Bolts run by Robin Piggot, Active Families Preschool Coordinator.…
In response to a reader comment on our Nightmares and night terrors article, Kiwi Families reached out to our Facebook community for advice. As always,…
Sushi sandwich rolls are the perfect addition to the bento lunchbox. But forget all that fiddly face-making, shape-cutting madness, and make these sushi rolls…
Getting your insurance sorted can feel a bit like decluttering your home; you don’t usually feel like it, but once you’ve done it, you feel…
We know that all Dad really wants for Father’s Day, is a lie in with a newspaper and a cuppa. It’s always nice to…
With real estate prices absolutely soaring, and the average house price crashing through the $600k mark, the dream of our kids one day owning…