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On Easter Monday at 1 p.m., I went to one of the hardest funerals I have ever been to. It was to celebrate the…
Our 9 year old daughter had a sobering message on the drive home from school the other day. It went something like this, “we…
The school term is about to get under way, and we are about to get back into the school lunch box routine. It is a well…
Every so often the age range of our children creates little dilemmas – and Christmas is one of those times! Remember we’re the ones…
So what does a Super Dad write about for his first parenting article? Having just assumed this mantle I find that the pressure is…
If you worry about whether your child is eating enough and whether the amount they eat is normal, you are not alone. Many parents…
Life with children is always busy and planning meals, preparing food, and then getting the little darlings to eat it can take up big…
Christmas has always been a family time for me and it certainly holds many special memories. As a child it never seemed to come…
The issues of chores and pocket money and whether there should be linkage between the two have always vexed parents. Vernon and I tried…