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These days, when we take on the role of motherhood, the majority of us sacrifice ‘fulfilling our own full potential’ in almost every other…
Unpaid word, or paid work: that is the motherhood question … but if you psychoanalysed the ‘answer’, its personality could be described as a…
As parents, we often find ourselves with two competing parenting “ethics” and these are the source of a parenting dilemma that means we are…
Last month I talked about the idea that, to quote Margaret Nelson-Agee, “Until you have two competing ethics, you don’t have an ethical dilemma.”…
Many of us set New Year resolutions. You will not be alone if one of your resolutions focuses on weight loss. A search on…
Happy New Year! Once again the media abounds with articles about sun and safety. A recent one began: “Parents warned about sun’s danger.” It…
Recently I attended yet another parenting seminar, in the ongoing quest, I suppose, for anything that may assist with the challenging role we face…
Fathers… It is fifteen years since my father passed away, just six weeks after our first son was born. My husband John’s father passed…
Vernon and I have had a special privilege these holidays. It is to spend a length of time in our one-roomed beach-house in sometimes…