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growth of the baby

Many parents worry about the growth of the baby during pregnancy and are told they are having a small baby or growth of baby…

This article examines fetal movements in pregnancy. Baby’s movements or kicks are a reflection of fetal health and well being in the womb.

The 3 trimesters of pregnancy – the amazing experience of carrying and growing a new life inside your body. What is happening in each…

This article gives information for parents on the role of the doula, a fairly new phenomenon in New Zealand, how to find a doula…

This article explains the role of obstetricians and when you may require the specialist care of an obstetrician in pregnancy or childbirth.


This article explains the role of the midwives in New Zealand, how to find a midwife and what they will do during pregnancy, birth…

How do I know I am pregnant ? This article explores the early signs and symptoms you may have if you are pregnant and…