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Learn contemporary dance. Contemporary dance is the name given to a group of 20th century dance forms. Contemporary includes free, modern, expressionist and post…
Learn to dance ballet for kids. Ballet is an art form that can be enjoyed from a very young age, and like other types…
Learning any performing art is a great way to encourage confidence and self expression in your child. The performing arts are about passion and…
Learn to play Violin. The violin is a fun instrument for children to learn. As they develop they can play the violin in orchestras,…
Learn to play Trumpet. The trumpet is a great beginners instrument if your child is looking to play brass. The trumpet is small, inexpensive,…
Learn to play Piano. Learning the piano is a tradition in some families, but nowadays, there are more ways to play the piano than…
Learn to play the the Keyboard. Keyboard is a fun instrument for beginners, with one keyboard sounding like an entire band.
Learn to play the guitar. The guitar is a great take anywhere kind of instrument, and as your child grows, playing the guitar is…
Learn to play the Drums? When it comes to choosing an instrument, drums have an almost rock star status for children, but drums have…
The clarinet is a lovely instrument for children to learn, and in time they can play the clarinet in an orchestra, concert band or…