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It is best as always, to focus your efforts on having a fresh and healthy diet, when it comes to improving any aspect of…
I have often thought to write about how diet and nutrition affects the mind, and about my experiences in the clinic over the years…
You will have most probably heard a lot about “metabolic syndrome”, or “syndrome X”. In 1988, a man called Gerald Reaven noted that several…
In the 21st century, guys are working harder than ever, are under more stress, become less active as they age, and many still smoke…
I wanted to originally research and write an article on cognition as well as memory, but on closer inspection found that memory is such…
Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped bi-lobed gland located at the base of your neck, just below your Adam’s apple. Every single aspect of your…
You only get one set of kidneys. It is important to take care of your important organs, such as the kidney system which plays…
Gout is one of those conditions which can be aided considerably with a change in diet and lifestyle, and is a form of arthritis…
If clients come in with suspected gallbladder problems I always ask them if they’ve lost weight recently, been on a fat-free diet, or regularly consumer…