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Parents are the single biggest influence on young people’s career plans and can play a significant role in helping family members to make informed decisions…
Parenting isn’t easy whether you’re forty or fifteen. We all experience the same things just at different stages. Deciding to take on the challenge…
Education can take a back foot when a teen becomes a parent. Teen Parent Units are schools for young mums and dads.
Becoming a teen parent can interrupt your education and you often have to reassess your options. Find out more in this article on Teen…
This article Teenagers and Birth explains some of the issues that are common amongst teenagers when they are at the end of pregnancy or…
This article looks at teenagers & pregnancy and provides advice for teenagers on how to care for themselves and their babies during pregnancy.
This article explores the combined pill, its advantages and disadvantages. How does the combined pill work? Will it be suitable for you?
This article on condoms for teenagers explains their advantages, how they work and the pros and cons of condoms. Information that all teenagers should…
This article informs teenagers about contraception and explains their rights, options and which types of contraception are most suitable for teenagers.