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The Muscular Dystrophy Association deals with a wide variety of disorders which affect muscles, nerves which control muscles and the interactions between the two.…
Kidney Kids is a parent-driven non-for-profit organisation set up to meet the needs of parents of children with kidney disease or an abnormality of…
The Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Association is an Incorporated Society providing membership for regional groups, businesses and individuals who wish to work together in support…
“Hepatitis” means “inflammation of the liver”. Chronic (long-term) inflammation of the liver can result in liver damage or failure if left untreated. Liver damage…
12 babies a week are born in New Zealand with a congenital heart defect – that’s one in every 100 births. A Childhood or Congenital Heart Defect…
Crohn’s and Colitis New Zealand , formerly known as the Crohn’s and Colitis Support Group, was set up in 1987 by a group of…
The Cancer Society of New Zealand was formed in 1929 as the New Zealand Branch of the British Empire Cancer Campaign. In 1963 it…
The Bone Marrow Cancer Trust Inc. is a Charitable Trust established in 1991 as the South Island Bone Marrow Transplant Trust Inc. Its aim…
The Beckwith Wiedemann Children’s Association provides support for families affected by Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome. Read more about the association here.