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Your child will be taught a core set of subjects when they go to Primary School. Find out what those are and some further…
Your child is about to go to Primary School and you’d like an overview of the what, how, when, whys. Read our Primary School…
The Rudolf Steiner/Waldorf movement recognises that schools should be truly comprehensive: open to all girls and boys, with a curriculum for all pupils which…
Playcentre is early childhood education that promotes and encourages parents to be the first educators. Read our Playcentre article for more info.
Find out what a nanny is and what they do, how much a nanny costs, where to find a nanny in New Zealand, and…
Dr Maria Montessori founded the first Montessori community in 1907 in the slums of Rome, Italy and an educational philosophy grew from her work…
At Kohanga Reo all education and instruction is delivered in te reo maori (Maori language). Learn more about Kohanga Reo and how it works in…
So you are about to launch into the Kindergarten phase of your life. Our Kindergarten article explains how Kindy works in New Zealand and…
Home based care is care and education provided by adults in either their own home or the child’s. Find out more about home based…