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There’s a new buzz on the streets and roads of New Zealand towns and city’s…the buzz of the walking school bus.
There is huge emphasis placed on our children coming away from school at the end of their ‘education careers’ as literate and numerically capable…
Assessment of your child forms a big part of their education from now on and along with assessment comes more terms and acronyms to…
Homework plays a very important part in your child’s learning and is given to them for a reason. While it’s not compulsory, most teachers will…
Reading Recovery is a programme designed to help improve the reading ability of children who are struggling. Read more in Reading Recovery.
Dr Maria Montessori founded the first Montessori community in 1907 in the slums of Rome, Italy and an educational philosophy grew from her work…
Correspondence School is an education choice for some and necessity for others at primary level. Find out about Primary Correspondence School here.
When your child goes to Primary School there are many roles you can play as a parent. Find out what some of these are…
Your child will be taught a core set of subjects when they go to Primary School. Find out what those are and some further…
Your child is about to go to Primary School and you’d like an overview of the what, how, when, whys. Read our Primary School…