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The end of secondary school is looming and some major decisions need to be made about what happens now with your teenager. If the…
Do you struggle with exams? There’s no real mystery to writing great exam essay- it’s really just like the essay process for an assignment,…
Everyone needs to learn mathematics. Reasons for this include it being a basic necessity in many aspects of our day to day life and…
English is one of two subjects that remain compulsory through to Year 11 and often in Year 12. It is arguably the most…
As parents getting your heads around all the subject choice your teenager will have at NZ secondary school can be daunting. There have been…
The cost of NZ secondary school education depends greatly on the following:
The way your child learns at secondary school differs greatly from the way they have at primary and intermediate school.
How does it work? : Who supervises my chid while they learn? : What will it cost me? : Contact with teachers : Resources?…
Secondary school is where students go to be educated once they have completed primary and intermediate school. It is also known as college, high…