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Statistically, the effects of divorce on our society are difficult to prove although there are figures bandied around. What we do know, is that…
Matrimony to Acrimony or Harmony? The choice is yours … The importance of the choices you make when your marriage ends through which children…
I believe most of us have what it takes to be genuinely great parents; regardless if we have been separated, divorced or attempting to…
To speak ill of your Ex with your child says “I love you, but biologically you’re 50% a Jerk.” Speaking poorly of your child’s…
I was told that “assume” means “to make an ass out of you and me” so, although it can seems obvious for why routines…
Have you ever stopped to think how many varieties of routines there are? You’d be surprised. You’ll also be surprised at what you think…
Why do you want to spend less time with your children when growing up happens so quickly these days? Don’t you look back on…
If you dread handovers – you’re not alone. If you are frustrated because you’ve managed to get your kids to tidy up the house…