I will always remember being invited to a party when I was probably 8 or 9 and to my horror they served up only healthy food. I probably went to loads of parties at that age but that is the only one I remember, probably because of the food. In a time when healthy eating wasn’t promoted nearly as much as it is now, I remember all of us kids looking around the table at each other wondering when the “real” food was going to come out. It never did. I don’t think I was the only one who went home a little peckish that afternoon, carrot sticks and celery just didn’t do it for me!
Birthday parties are becoming very styled these days and I make no apologies for the fact that I love throwing parties like this just as much as I love to see how others have styled theirs. But styling a party table doesn’t have to mean it’s a table full of sweet treats and food colouring. Beautiful party tables can be healthy too.
I searched around the internet and found some wonderful ideas for colourful, healthy party food delights which will ensure your party table is just as vibrant as one full of the not so healthy cakes and sweets.
Check out these fabulous looking slushies, cupcakes, wraps and jellies. There’s nothing dull about these! You can find more information on these delights at Fresh for Kids.
Most kids love popcorn, I know mine do. There’s a great recipe in this blog article for Popcorn Balls made with mini marshmallows – yeah ok, not totally super healthy but certainly a slightly healthier option!
This little number – a watermelon fruit salad basket caught my eye because it’s so bright and gorgeous looking. My daughter Emily who isn’t even a big fan of fruit said she must have one of these at her next birthday party!
Sesame Street fruit and veges And last but most definitely not least, I found these stunning little numbers – great ideas for fruit and vege snacks at parties.
I’d love to hear your healthy birthday party ideas- feel free to post them below!
See you next time, Nicky x