
Winter bugs can make children feel grumpy, grizzly and ‘ouchie all over’. So ask for Pamol® at your local pharmacy: that way, it’s on hand when you need it.

Pamol’s Little Helper app can also be a big help. This interactive temperature checker and dose calculator means you can check the correct dose to give your child. Simply download it to your smartphone from pamol.co.nz.

Pamol® is only available at pharmacies, so stock up now before your child feels ouchie alloverus this winter. Or enter the draw below to win one of two $50 pharmacy gift cards!

PAMOL® for the treatment of child pain and fever. Pamol® contains paracetamol 250mg/5mL.  Always read the label and use as directed. Incorrect use can be harmful. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional. ® Registered Trademark. Aspen Pharmacare C/- Healthcare Logistics, Auckland. TAPS PP6335.

This competition closes at 11:59pm on the 18th of June 2015. Just fill in the form below and you’re in to win.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!