
Win a family pass to the Just So Festival

Enter to be one of the first families ever to experience the Just So Festival here in New Zealand!

Check out the video here: https://www.facebook.com/kiwifamilies/videos/1595207923871163/

The Just So Festival is a weekend long camping arts festival for children, aged 0-12 years, and their families. The festival provides an immersive and magical experience where art, music, literature, comedy, circus, and dance can be appreciated, embedded within one of the most outstanding natural settings in New Zealand – Kaitoke Regional Park in Upper Hutt, 23rd-25th February 2018.

Just so festival

A broad range of musical, theatrical, and visual performances, workshops, and installations will be provided within a safe and natural landscape, taking the arts our of their formal, indoor, occasionally inhibiting, setting. Families can enjoy and participate in creative adventures outdoors, creating beautiful shared memories together, engaging freely, with no pressure to sit down, keep quiet, or sit still. Programming will ensure that families are able to participate in ways that are exciting, fun, and inclusive to all ages and abilities.


Just So Festival wishes to build a vibrant outdoors family arts sector that builds more confident, creative, and cohesive families and communities; families engaging in the arts together can have a deep long-lasting impact on all the individuals involved. We provide the environment where families can sing, dance, and play together, not in separate childrens’ activities, and believe that families deserve access to the highest quality art, in an environment they feel comfortable in. At the heart of the festival is marrying the outdoor arts agenda with a family-friendly agenda.

There will be a focus on environmental sustainability and ensuring accessibility for deaf and disabled audiences both in the programming and logistics for the festival. We will work collaboratively with local charities and support groups to provide allocation of free or discounted tickets for those who would be unable to attend due to economic disadvantage – we are working with the Upper Hutt branches of Birthright and Grandparents Raising Grandchildren.

To enter simple fill in the form below and tell us where the Just So Festival is being held. This competition ends on 18 February 2018 at 8:30pm.

Please note: if you’re entering this competition, the festival is held in Wellington, so you will need to make your own travel arrangements. You will also need to provide your own tent.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.