
Mark Leishman


I think my 14 year old son is very lucky. Lucky because he has just spent the first week of his school holidays with his Grandparents. Now, I…

We’ve been a lucky family when it comes to grief and dealing with death in the family. My children have both sets of grandparents to provide all the…

saving the planet

Our 9 year old daughter had a sobering message on the drive home from school the other day. It went something like this, “we have to start doing…

Is Santa real

Every so often the age range of our children creates little dilemmas – and Christmas is one of those times! Remember we’re the ones with a teenager, a…

My Dad

I always remember a pop song of the early 60s. I would have been about six years old but the song was called My Dad by Paul Peterson…

It’s the age old parent’s fear and dilemma. When to tell your child the facts of life? My tuppence worth. Do it earlier than you think advisable, and…

Anzac Day Memories

Isn’t it fantastic the way schools these days are placing so much emphasis on Anzac Day and New Zealand’s involvement in the World Wars. It seems to me…

Here’s a reality check and it’s courtesy of my good friend Jim Mora (he was the warm, witty voice of Wonder Dogs)- Jim’s afternoon radio show on National Radio…