
HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method involves natural childbirth education, combined with self-hypnosis techniques (including deep relaxation, visualisation, affirmations and special breathing), to achieve a confident, calm, and gentle birth. HypnoBirthing involves more than  self hypnosis techniques, however, as it incorporates a philosophy of natural birthing.

The Philosophy

This philosophy teaches that, in the absence of fear and tension, or special medical circumstances, severe pain need not accompany labour; that babies can and should come into the world amidst calmness and joy; and that giving birth can be a positive, rewarding, and gentle experience for both mother and baby.

HypnoBirthing® is based on the techniques developed in the 1920s by an English physician, Dr Grantly Dick-Read, who was a pioneer in the field of natural childbirth. HypnoBirthing is named after its founder Marie Mongan who established “HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method” in the United States in 1989.  Her book “HypnoBirthing® – A Celebration of Life” was first published in 1989.

What can I learn from HypnoBirthing?

Trained HypnoBirthing® practitioners offer the HypnoBirthing course in NZ, each class consisting of a series of five 2.5 hour sessions to teach women and their birthing partners to trust natural birthing. This includes the following key lessons:

  • to understand why women in other cultures have easier, more comfortable birthing
  • to release all fear and limiting thoughts
  • to replace fear with confidence and a relaxed mind and body
  • to understand the workings of the body’s own natural relaxants
  • in a calm state endorphins — the body’s natural anaesthesia — replace the stress hormones that constrict and cause pain
  • to eliminate the Fear-Tension-Pain syndrome
  • to reduce the need or desire for pain medication
  • to understand how the birthing muscles work
  • to shorten the first stage of labour
  • to reduce fatigue during labour
  • to achieve quicker postnatal recovery
  • to develop a special role for your birthing companion

Who can I contact?

Hundreds of trained HypnoBirthing® practitioners can be found across 32 countries, including New Zealand.

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Useful Websites


Website of the HypnoBirthing® Institute, founded and directed by Marie Mongan.

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