
Tired of a messy house? Looking for ideas to achieve a clutter free home? We provide a step-by-step approach of practical advice to help you declutter your home. And with the ‘a clear room is a clear mind’ approach, we extend that decluttering into your everyday life.

Lets set our intention

Most of us plan to lose weight, stop smoking, eat better and exercise more as our main goals for the New Year. But getting organised also makes people’s top 10 lists for New Year resolutions.

So if you’re one of these people, and you want this to be the year your home gets organised, then join us as we take you through a step-by-step approach to become determined, decluttered and de-stressed. You’ll be amazed at how decluttering your house will aid organisation in other parts of your life. Repeat after me:

A clear room, is a clear mind!

What are the benefits to becoming de-cluttered?

Living in a disorganised and cluttered home can be quite stressful, and can cause unnecessary problems for those who live there. Clutter adds small, but persistent stress to our lives. You’re always annoyed by the mess, you can never find your keys, you’re always rushing in the morning trying to find things, etc.

Clutter can also make us more easily distracted. A source of procrastination. Adding even more stress.

It can also be very embarrassing when friends and family turn up unannounced (as they tend to do), and you have to clear a space on the sofa for them to sit.

It can even cost you money as you may ‘lose’ items and have to replace them. Think batteries, spare keys, cleaning products, etc. Where in reality you have 10 of the same item in various areas of the house!

It can definitely cause health problems, as items gather dust and mould, attracting microbes, insects and pests. Black mould, bed mites, spiders and rodents are just some of the nasties that love to live in clutter.

So, what to do then?

Now that we’ve set our intention, and understand the benefits for our family, what do we do about it?

The key to getting organised is to tackle the job in bite-sized pieces.

If your whole house needs attention, and you don’t have a planned approach to tackling the clutter and getting organised, you may end up worse off than when you started.

We all have a flurry of enthusiasm when we take on a new project, but that wears off pretty quickly, especially when it’s a big job. By breaking the project down it into smaller more achievable tasks, it doesn’t become too overwhelming.

Importantly, you get to step back after achieving each task, and admire your success. This little motivation boost will re-energise you for the next part.

Clearing the Clutter from your life

How to declutter in 6 basic steps

How to de-clutter in 6 easy steps

So you’ve decided to de-clutter your home, and now you want to know how to do it. Follow our simple step-by-step process to reduce that clutter now. How to de-clutter in 6 basic steps will get you on your way.

De-cluttering the bathroom

De-cluttering the bathroom

We love to start with de-cluttering the bathroom. It’s the smallest room in the house, yet one we use every day. Due to it’s function it needs to be kept hygienic for our family’s health. And it’s usually a straightforward, and satisfying room, so a great first step.

De-cluttering the master bedroom

De-cluttering the master bedroom

Now that you’ve cracked the bathroom, it’s time to move on to de-cluttering the master bedroom. The master bedroom is all about you. You could even say, ‘you are your room.’ So spend a moment in your room, visualising who you are (or who you want to be), and think about how you can make your bedroom represent that person.

6 steps to fabulous wardrobe planning

6 steps to fabulous wardrobe planning

As a bonus to de-cluttering your master bedroom, you may want to take the time to plan your wardrobe. 6 steps to fabulous wardrobe planning, it all sounds so wonderful doesn’t it? A great personal style filling you with energy and confidence, all your friends wanting to know what magic elixir you’re taking, causing you to look so healthy and gorgeous!

De-cluttering the kitchen

De-cluttering the kitchen

Often referred to as the hub of the home, most kitchens get a good workout every day, especially with growing kids to keep fed and happy. With a limited amount of space available, cupboards, pantry’s and bench tops can start to overflow quickly. De-cluttering the kitchen is a top priority!

De-cluttering the lounge

De-cluttering the lounge

For most of us, the lounge is where we spend the majority of our relax and play time when we’re at home. Not surprisingly, clutter can build up easily and get out of control in this area. De-cluttering the lounge is also vital to ensure you have a mess-free, clear space to entertain guests.

De-cluttering yourself – 3 steps to rediscovering yourself

how to keep the you in mum

As parents, we quickly discover that parenting provides little respite. We find time for ourselves becomes lost in the unending responsibilities of parenthood. As mothers, we make sacrifices and give so much of ourselves to others, often without thinking of the consequences of ending up with little or nothing left in reserve. De-cluttering yourself is all about getting clear, getting focused, and getting motivated.

How to bring mindfulness into your home

greening up your home

One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is the ability to be mindful – to be still and be in the moment. Learn about using mindfulness to de-clutter your own mind, and how to bring it into your home – by using simple breathing and focusing exercises.

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This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.

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