
Mr. Renny is a good artist but no one wants to buy his paintings… until one day a stranger makes strange things happen!

I’m liking

By far the best feature of The Magical Life of Mr. Renny is the images. They are funny and engaging and absolutely gorgeous!! I loved the bright colours, attention to detail and the way that each image tells the story. You and you children will spend ages looking at the pictures and there’s loads to chat about.

Things that made me go hmmmm

I’m not sure that the story is as compelling as the images but it moves along and has some nice humour. I found the ending sweet but a bit weak…

The conclusion

A lovely, lovely book to gaze at! The attention to detail in the images is delicious and if Mr. Renny is half the artist that Leo Timmers is, he should make millions! Another glorious production from Gecko Press.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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