
Pineapple Heads is brand new hair products just for small people. They contain ‘no badies’ and were invented by clever Kiwi mama Megan Saunders.

I’m liking

I don’t know about you, but I’ve really struggled to find hair products for my kids that are a) not full of nasty chemicals and b) actually do a reasonable job (to be fair, the same goes for my own hair!). I also have the added drama for a 3.5 year old with long hair and a total aversion to having her hair washing.

So, I was very excited to hear about Pineapple Heads products. There’s shampoo, conditioner, gel, wax and (joy of joys!) detangler in the range and they all smell delicious.

But here’s what you really need to know: They work!!!!!!! Not a single tear in the three tries we’ve had with the shampoo / conditioner and the detangler has revolutionised our mornings – no more dramas from the preschooler over having her hair brushed and tied up. Even dad was astonished at how well the detangler works!

Things that made me go hmmmm

It’s not cheap stuff – at around $28 per bottle, it’s well more than the stuff you’ll buy at the supermarket. However, this is the first product that I’ve tried that doesn’t end in a drama so I’ll be getting more – we might just have to ration it out 😉

The conclusion

If you’re looking for a quality, New Zealand product that is made without ‘badies’, then this is a great product to try. My only reservation about these products is the price but we all know that you have to pay for great quality!


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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