
Xmaease is a steriod free creme for all skin types. It’s for irritated, itchy, raw, dry and scaly skin. I trialled this cream on my 2 sons with great results. The patches of red, itchy skin that irritated them went away after a couple of days and applying the creme twice a day.

I’m liking

I liked this creme for how quickly it worked and the instant relief for my sons’ skin.

Things that made me go hmmmm

The first time I applied the creme to my oldest son it came quickly, so next time I squeezed slowly. At first it appeared to have a greasy feeling on skin, but it soon disappears into skin.

The conclusion

I would recommend Xmaease to all skin sufferers.


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  1. It all depends on the child / adult. I found that this didn’t work for both my daughter and my husband. But it worked wonders for my friend’s son. That’s why I say, it all depends on individuals.
    I think sometimes finding the source of why the ezcema occured is important too. =)

  2. Nicola Cranfield Reply

    I Love this product! It’s full of quality vegetable oils and none of the usual junk (mineral oil, paraffin, synthetic preservative, perfume etc) that are so hard to avoid.

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