
Mums Secret is a great product that is good for all the family from new borns up to the adults

I’m liking

I like that Mums Secret is a New Zealand product and that all the family can use it for so many things from dry skin to sunburn. My daughter has had a nappy rash that will not go away. Some times it is very red and I have tried a lot of creams and have not found anything that will make it better. So when I was given the Mums Secret to review I thought: “Well the first thing I will try it on is my daughter’s nappy rash.” Within a day of using the cream, the rash was still there but it looked so much better and was not as red. I have now been using it every day for a week and I can say that the rash has just about gone. Miss 3 burnt her finger the other day and it became red and hurt her. I put some of the Mums Secret cream on her finger and I found that she no longer told me that it hurt and it looked so much better. I also like the smell of the cream and the name of the cream is so cool .

Things that made me go hmmmm

I can not think of anything that I do not like about the cream. It has helped us in so many ways

The conclusion

I think this is a great product for any family to have as there is so much you can use it for and you do not have to use a lot of the cream.


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