
This is Just to prove that all picture books don’t need words, The Fishing Trip is just that… a picture book. But that doesn’t mean that there’s not a story…

I’m liking

I love the way that this story engages the imagination. The first time we read this story with our daughter, we talked about what each picture was about and now she just tells us the story. Each time, it’s a little different and each time she emphasises different aspects of her story. And I love it! (I think she does too 😉 ).

The conclusion

This book is great for a whole range of ages and is a fantastic lesson on visual story-telling. The fact that the reader brings their own story to the books means that it’s very open to interpretation and this can be very rewarding for children. I’d encourage you not to read the synopsis before you read this book for the first time- just open it and start at the beginning 🙂


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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