
Everyone who has boys today is concerned for them.  Everywhere we look, boys are having trouble with their lives.  Parents want to understand better what makes boys tick, and how to help them be happy, loving and capable.

In Raising Boys, Steve Biddulph looks at the most important issues in boys’ development from birth to manhood – and discusses the warm, strong parenting and guidance that boys need.  He brings his humour, honesty and practical knowledge of families to the vital task of raising our sons.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. The first section is scare mongering – and telling you the percentages
    of boys who end up on death row, drug addicts, commit suicide etc.
    This book is the most brilliant book I have ever purchased along the lines of raising boys.
    The author is fantastic, I have read all of his books and he most definitely knows what he is speaking about.

  2. This is the most ridiculous book I have ever read. It has no useful
    information on how to raise boys, and it doesn’t even make a good

  3. Wow what a relief to be reassured that boys are not foreign creatures,
    there is a reason for they things they do, why their needs are so
    different to girls. I feel quite refreshed and am looking ahead to the
    joys of parenting my son.

  4. I thought I knew quite a lot about how to educate boys in their last
    year at primary school. However Steve Biddulph has managed in one fell
    swoop to make me sit up and really challenge some of my long held
    beliefs in the way boys should be taught. I had this book recommended to
    me by word of mouth, which according to the cover blurb is how most
    people get to hear about it.
    The book is intellectually pretty lite and most of what it says is common sense.

  5. this book was one of those books that i found you need to buy so you can
    keep going back to. to remind you why they are different coming from a
    solo mum with two boys 3 and 4 years. great reference book.

  6. My husband loves this book as it is written by a man and its down to
    earth. Easy to read and follow the ideas. Good book for families with
    lots of boys

  7. I was given this book as a Christmas Pressie, when I started reading it I
    couldnt put it down. Being a mother sometimes its hard to understand
    boys when you havent been one yourself. When I first got given this
    book I was a single mum so it helped a lot. Now Im married and its
    still helping. I find myself going over it again and again.

  8. This book is fantastic! It has helped me understand many of the phases
    that boys go through. Who knew that boys get an extra shot of
    testosterone around the age of 4? It certainly explains a few things
    knowing that alone! This is the sort of book you will read every year
    (or more often) as your boy grows and reaches the next phase of his
    life. A definite ‘must read’ book.

  9. Wow…a great book for those of us with litle men to raise. I love that
    the perspective is from a bigger man who has been through that. For
    me, it was like a few more of the parenting switches were flicked on…I
    would encourage anyone raising boys…caring for boys or who have to
    deal with litle guys read this. Cheers 🙂

  10. I really really need to read this book, I am hoping to find some answers
    to my 5 yr olds moods, I am at wits end and this hopefully will help.
    Can wait to read

  11. Steve Biddulph’s wife was my uni tutor. I thoroughly enjoy this book. I
    raced through it and was eager to share my learning with those around
    me. A fantastic book especially for first-time parents like me.

  12. A great book, it really helps Mum’s to get an understanding of boys and
    how they work – I found parts of this book really interesting and
    insightful and would recommend it highly. You will definatley want to
    have a copy on your bookshelf as you need to refer back to it as your
    boys go through different stages.

  13. This book is great. I am always recommending it to friends. Full of
    info about boys and from a mother’s point of view helps me to understand
    the often ‘alien’ behaviour of my boys. I am forever pulling this out
    to read up on a relevant topic. Well written combined with a good dose
    of light hearted humour. Excellent author. 

  14. This book is on my “must read every year” list. It reminds me everytime I
    read it that I’m not raising aliens just boys! This is a must have for
    any bookshelf of parents of boys!

  15. I have read this book three times now. Most of the information in this
    book, I believe, is totally true and would recommend for every person
    who raises boys BUY IT!

  16. I liked this book. It was down to earth, and because it was written by a
    bloke, it had a good feel to it when you read it. I’m one of three
    boys, so I thought I knew boys pretty well, but I didn’t have a great
    relationship wth my father. This book gave really practical advice on
    and strategies on developing a good parenting relationship with your
    boys. I’d really recommend it to other fathers.

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