
This book could be your salvation! A quote from the “Daily Telegraph”, but this cry could equally have come from the thousands of mothers who have put Gina Ford’s kind but firm routines into practice and put some calm back into their lives.

Sleep-starved nights, inconsolable crying, feeding on demand – stories that make the prospect of bringing a tiny baby home for the first time daunting for any proud new parent.

Fully updated and with helpful input from clients, readers and mothers who simply love her routines, “The New Contented Little Baby Book” gives reassuring and practical advice to new parents that works from one of the UK’s most respected and most talked about maternity nurses. Her secret is simple and amazing – a strategy developed through years of research and experience. When put into practice, ‘Gina babies’: sleep through the night from an early age; feed regularly and well from either breast or bottle; and are less likely to suffer from colic. And parents are calm and contented too!


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. Got this book as a recommendation from a friend. Really do not understand why all the hate… it’s obvious most people spewing negativity and hate haven’t even read the book.

    It offers some great advice, even for baby-led-parenting folk and excellent guidelines. My wife wrote an extensive review and an account of our experience with it called The New Contented Little Baby Book , hope you like it and hope it helps you and your family 🙂

  2. hands together for Gina Ford. I used this book for both my children and
    have a happy, calm household. My baby still enjoys his sleep and
    hopefully my baby will continue to do so. Gina’s website is wonderful
    too…Don’t be afraid to give it a go.

  3. I received this book as a gift when my first child was born. I read it
    and thought it sounded like a great idea in theory but couldn’t
    understand how I could possibly put it into practice so I put the book
    back on the shelf and forgot about it. Four years later, after my second
    child was born I dusted it off and reconsidered what the author had to

  4. I brought this book for my daughter to read. She used it as a basics
    only. Using her own time frames and not so regimented. Using this purely
    as guideline she has had lots of success. Each child is different and
    what works for one doesn’t work for another, there is a lot of trying to
    find what is successful for each individual child.

  5. Gina Ford’s approaches and ideas are likely to polarize readers – you’re either in tune with what she preaches or not.

    I read her book as I was looking for some ideas for my first son, however, I found that her approach was not for me.

    I also found her book to be poorly written as it was often repetitive and not well edited.

  6. As with any baby book you take out of it what you want to use. All
    babies are not the same and families need different routines, so getting
    ideas from books like these are great. I read this book and used parts
    of it along with suggestions from other books to work a workable
    routine for our kids. You still need flexability and then there comes
    illness and must attend events but well rested children make these alot
    easier. As with other reviews if you want to follow it letter by letter
    that is your choice, but certainly use the ideas and mould them to suit
    your family. 

  7. Daveandmona Reply

    I read this book before having my first baby and it scared me. Since
    then I’ve learned to take what she says with a very large pinch of salt,
    and haven’t opened the book since my second child was born. I know
    people swear by Gina, but a friend of mine calls her the Nazi nurse, and
    I think that’s closer to the truth.
    Bascially, I’d only recommend
    you look at this if you are a really confident parent, well able to make
    your own decisions. Like the other reviewers say, routine is great, but
    why would all babies want the same routine down to the last minute? I’d
    say find a routine that suits you and your child(ren), and enjoy it.

  8. Got this book 5 months after my daughter was born and after I worked out
    a routine that worked for her I noticed such a difference in sleeps,
    eating, etc. The power of routine !! Have used the book now for my son
    and am really enjoying his first few months. Don’t need to follow the
    routines religiously but take out what information you need & adapt
    to your baby.

  9. This was the first parenting book i read when our daughter was born, i
    found it to be amzingly helpful as i was a mother understanding the
    importance of routine, this book was so helpful with this, offering
    routines for different ages, fantastic tips from gina and questions and
    answers from other parents, although all te questons came from english
    families. Her routine guide was helfpfull i was able to pick out the bit
    that suited our family and add my own bits to them, it was a starting
    point for us, when we had ideas but nothing to bounce them off! would
    really recommend for the routine side of the book! HAPPY READING!

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