
Gina Ford is the queen of routine, and one area she knows from experience that can be a big, scary hurdle for parents is potty training. The good news is that it’s very easy when you know all the tips and tricks and there is no need for tantrums or endless hours spent sitting with a toddler who refuses to go potty.

This clearly organised book answers all your questions and makes potty training easy, and even fun. You will quickly learn: how to know when your child is really ready; how to make potty training fun for your child; how to reward; how to deal with little accidents; why you need a potty for upstairs and for downstairs; and how to help your child get over bed-wetting. With a little know-how from one of the UK’s leading parenting authors, potty training will be as easy as A, B, C.

The good news is that toilet training is very easy when you know all the tips and tricks, and there is no need for tantrums or endless hours spent sitting with a toddler who refuses to go potty. Gina Ford will teach you to know when your child is really ready, and most of all how to make potty training fun.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. When it comes too potty training. I have potty trained my first two
    children using this method. It did take slightly over a week in both
    cases (9 and 11 days) but that was probably due to my lack of commitment
    and the presence of a 4month old baby rather than a fault of the
    method. Gina Ford gives practical advice that obviously comes from a
    wealth of experience on the run up to potty training. A very readable
    and enjoyable book. The book contains a list of signs that a toddler is
    ready to be trained

  2. When it comes too potty training. I have potty trained my first two
    children using this method. It did take slightly over a week in both
    cases (9 and 11 days) but that was probably due to my lack of commitment
    and the presence of a 4month old baby rather than a fault of the
    method. Gina Ford gives practical advice that obviously comes from a
    wealth of experience on the run up to potty training. A very readable
    and enjoyable book. The book contains a list of signs that a toddler is
    ready to be trained

  3. A friend passed this book onto me but we had no probs toilet training our son so i didnt really need it.

    did have some handy tips, its pretty common sense. I think you could
    find all the same information by using google! So im not sure I would
    buy this book, but worth a read if you know someone with a copy!

  4. I got this book after two friends recommended it to me – it is a nice
    small book, easy to read and really just practical and easy to use, our
    son was trained within the one week – worth a try for any parent =0)

  5. i really got alot out of this book it didnt take a week but was very close! it did put us in right direction.

  6. brought this 2nd hand off Trade Me as I expected problems training my
    son but then had no problems!! It has some good suggestions if you do
    have some problems but don’t think its really worth buying brand new.

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