
Over 340 Quick, Easy & Delicious Recipes
using 4 or less Ingredients

This book has over 340 quick, easy and very delicious recipes that you can easily whip up to WOW your friends and family, and ALL with only 4 or less ingredients.

You won’t need to spend a fortune in measuring utensils. To use 4 Ingredients all you will need is 1 cup, 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon – it’s cooking made real easy!

There are fantastic recipes for breakfast to dinner, entrees to desserts and lunchbox delights.

You will be super surprised and delighted with the fantastic dishes you can create using this easy to follow cookbook.

If you are a busy person, are on a tight budget, have moved out of home, are still fine tuning your culinary skills, are going camping, or are on the move and haven’t a lot of room for a full pantry, or you simply haven’t had time to do the groceries, then this is the book for you!


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. But quite basic. Uses alot of “packet & jar mixes” rather than using cheaper home made alternatives. All in all though a helpful book

  2. I am a cook book connoisseur and I refer to my library of recipes almost every meal. Whilst my DH and I do not yet have children, our lives are very busy and on those days when the cupboards appear bare and we are both to tired to think, this book always has at least one recipe we can conjure up from the remaining ingrediants in the pantry.

  3. I was then given this cook book, being a bit of a foodie, and I like the concept of only using 4 ingredients. Having had the book for a while, I think in order to make the most of this book you need to be well prepared, planning your meals in advance so you can have the ingredients in your pantry. The recipes are simple to follow and easy to make. It also has a list of handy household tips which have come in handy!

  4. great book but bare in mind that while you only need four ingrediants it doesnt mean all the recipes are fast, some of the ingrediants are a bit obscure 9for me anyway!) BUT it is a great book and heaps of the recipes are quick and easy 🙂

  5. I was quite excited about this book, however my expectations were not quite met. This book is well worth a read but it hasnt quite made its way to the top of my cook book pile. I had hoped that this book would offer lots of basic ingredients combined to make yummy recipes however I did feel that some of the ingredients were either too expensive or exotic for my kitchen! I think the emphasis on having only 4 ingredients often worked against the writers in this book.

  6. this cook book is so grate easy to cook and make my kids love the food i make and you only use 4 things

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