
The truth about modern parenting is that many of us are . . .

– time poor but rich in reasons to feel guilty

– confused about all the ‘latest research’ and what it means

– anxious about childcare options versus staying at home

– keen to know more about our children’s development

– eager to raise happy, confident, creative kids

Here’s the book for real parents wanting to raise real kids in the real world. An up to date, accessible guide to child development and effective parenting, aimed at the realities of modern lifestyles in time-poor, often stressed single and double income households.

Knowing what the best and latest research says about your child’s brain and personality development, how to tap into each stage creatively, and how to create the kind of stable and happy home in which they will flourish is one key to discovering that elusive life “balance” that everyone craves.

Mother of four Marilynn McLachlan 31, became an overnight media sensation in May 2004 when the Sunday Star-Times put her on the front page, after she copied to the paper a letter she had written to the Prime Minister about the middle class myth and trying to live and raise kids on more than the average wage in modern NZ. Hundreds of strangers contacted her to empathise or offer advice (from the cranky to the sensible).

She has a degree in education, has taught and been a social/youth worker. She also has a writing diploma and has freelanced for small publications. She’s passionately interested in child development and how it should inform parenting styles and strategies.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.

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