
Plunket has been providing new parents with guidance, advice and support for 100 years. This book of indispensable advice from New Zealand’s acknowledged experts on childcare is given to every mother of a new baby born in New Zealand. Previously produced in magazine/pamphlet form, this is the first time it has been produced as a book and sold in the trade. It is a valuable guide for relatives, friends and caregivers, and is ideal for sending to new mothers overseas.

Attractively presented in colour-coded, age-related sections, it also includes special information on child safety, family relationships, feeding and common childhood ailments.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. I am so glad I was given this book from plunket, I find myself turning to it for information on anything from spotty spots to sleeping. It is jam packed full of helpful hints and knowledgable facts. I absolutely love this book and everyone who has babies- wether its your firstborn or your fifth.

  2. I found this book very useful with my my two older kids and now with my youngest. I received mine in the Bounty New Mothers Pack. Thanks Plunket for the most informative baby manual out there. Brilliant!! I say if you don’t have one get one.

  3. I was able to download the Plunket 2007 and see the new version. Pregnancy health practices, educational and exercise classes. Baby friendly cafes, parent’s rooms, childcare and entertainment throughout New Zealand.

  4. A great freebie from Plunket, but not a book I would buy for myself, I find some of the information a bit PC and too much advertising gets in the way of some of the facts, it peeves me that the section on nappies is particularly biased toward disposables – the comparisons are not with MCN but with the old old school cloth nappies – I know plunket get support from companies, but this kind of thing makes me take any info in the book a bit less seriously.

  5. Great little book for mums.For my first two children I got the copy for free through Plunket but with baby #3 I purchased my own copy from The Warehouse.I think it is a shame that mums are having to pay for this book as not every family can afford this book which is a great resource to have being a NZ book. Pages are divided into coloured tabs to quickly find age appropriate pages.

  6. This booklet is great, its free, its factual, an integral resource for all parents!Its also regulary updated which is great

  7. This is a great reference book for the any parent as you can go directly to the section that is relevant and for busy parents this is a great thing.

  8. Lots of useful information. I found the birth to 2 years info most helpful, and especially helpful was the birth to 1 years info. A great resource for a new Mum.

  9. Free book from plunket and i love this book. I have it handy for me. I find it like a cooking manule for me.

  10. I use this book time to time if I’m unsure of anything. A good little book to go to if needed 🙂

  11. A free resource from Plunket which guides you through as your child grows. Covers developmental changes, problems you may encounter, supports available, things you can do to help your child. This is a great little book, colour coded for the different ages and stages.

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