
Bullying is never OK.  Yet it happens every day, in every school in New Zealand.  It is a growing issue and, with abusive texts and emails being the new trend, bullying extends from school life to a child’s home life.

No It’s Not OK uses the latest research and case studies to expose common misconceptions about bullying and the differences between boy and girl bullying.  It shows what to do if your child exhibits bullying behaviour, how to protect your child from bullying and how to evaluate a school’s anti-bullying policy.

Tania Roxborogh is an experienced secondary school teacher and the author of twenty books for adults and children.  She is also the mother of two girls (a teenager and a pre-teen).

Kim Stephenson is a school guidance counsellor who has facilitated anti-harrassment teams, harrassment workshops, peer mediation, learner champions and conflict resolution.  She is the mother of a teenage girl and two young boys.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. No, its Not OK defines both the types of bullying (email, txt/pxt, verbal, physical/sexual, direct and indirect) and the situations in which it occurs.Using extensive case studies and the latest research it looks at:* the differences between girl and boy bullying* Steps to take to protect your child from bullying

  2. JulieMulcahy Reply

    I loved this book. It covers the sorts of experiences many of our children will have then provides solid advice about how to get a good outcome for your child. A practical handbook every family should own.

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