
“Attachment Parenting” encourages early, strong, and sustained attention to the new baby’s needs, this practical and inspirational book outlines the steps that will create the most lasting bonds between parents and their children.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. A good concise book, but you can find most of the same material in the Attachment Parenting chapter in Sears’ The Baby Book, a much more comprehensive book of the same price.

  2. i dont think this book is for everybody but if you are interested in attatchment parenting its great. It suggests some really useful techniques for developing lasting bonds with your babyies from the beginning, but as said already i think you need to be into attatchment parenting concepts to benefit.

  3. Not suited to every parent but a good read along with other books. Try Babywise to get the total other end of the spectrum in regarding parenting. Has common sense approaches but some of the research is seriously flawed and can lead to parents feeling bad about wanting some space to themselves.

  4. Gentlefamily Reply

    love this book and all of the sears books! Don’t know if I’m allowed to recommend other books on this topic but here goes anyway (mods/admins feel free to delete if necessary)Biblical Parenting by Crystal LuttonPlayful Parenting by Cohen

  5. I’m not sure about this one. I got it from teh librbary to read, but maybe I’m not in teh right head space? I htink you have to be really committeted to the attachement parenting philosophy to get into it. The book itself is well written and prefessional , but I guess philosophically I would have problems with my child being glued to my hip at all times, night and day. I’m sure if you’re into the philosophy you would enjoy this book.

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