
At the Beach is a delightful introduction to the natural history of the New Zealand seashore. The stage is set with beautiful, factually correct illustrations (including detailed cross-sections) of three familiar habitats – the sandy beach, rockpools and mudflats

I’m liking

One of the coolest things about this book is that it comes with a laminated sheet showing pictures of different creatures that you might find at the beach. It also has a ruler along the side so that you can measure the creatures you find. It’s a great resource to take exploring!

This book is cleverly crafted and it covers different beach types – rocky, sandy etc… There are detailed drawings of the different creatures and clear explanations of the features of each creature and area. The text is bited-sized and accessible to a range of ages. The illustrations are detailed and attractive.

The conclusion

This book would make a great gift for a 8-10 year old but would also be useful for both younger and older children with an interested in science and nature. A really useful resource to have in your house!


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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