
I saw this on a craft blog and LOVED it so I had to share it!  This would be great for in mum’s handbag, in the car or for the kids to draw in. You could write any important school dates or notes in it or even glue in school notices so they are all together and won’t get lost. It is very easy to make and looks stunning.


  • cardboard box of some sort in whichever size you like (like a cereal box etc) keeping in mind you’ll be folding the cut out piece in half to form the notepad20130122_205555
  • decorative paper
  • glue stick
  • scissors
  • button
  • thick cotton or embroidery floss & needle




  • Cut out one side of your cardboard box (hence why a cereal box is great because it isn’t too thick)
  • Fold this in half so the coloured side in on the inside
  • Glue a plain piece of white paper to the inside to cover up the ‘cereal box pictures’ – my box was white so this was unnecessary
  • Measure, cut and glue some decorative paper on the front of your notepad to give it some deisng. Make sure all the sides match up and it goes all the way to the spine of the book
  • Now is the slightly tricky bit.  You need to use your embroidery floss (I dont embroider so used a few strands of my cotton I had laying around and it worked just as well) and your needle to ‘sew’ on your button. Do this about 2/3s down your front cover near the opening. Weave your cotton in and out to secure the button, leave enough cotton to wrap a couple times around your notepad once you have finished.
  • Rule and cut out some plain or ruled paper (for you to write on). Make this slightly smaller then your cover and try to get it as straight as possible. Fold all pieces in half so they sit nicely in the fold of your cover


Again using your cotton you need to ‘sew’ in your paper. So just like with the button start from the outside, on the base of the spine and weave 20130122_215724your cotton in and out of the paper but in about 1cm intervals so the paper is secure. Tie off on the outside at the top of your book.

20130122_215701Close your book and wrap the end of the cotton that is tied to the button around your notepad a couple times and then wrap around your button.


There you have it. Clip a pen on and you are ready to go. Obviously there are so many variations you could do with this in terms of size, shape, decorations etc but use this basic outline to get an idea of where to start.


Here is the link to the where I found the idea – however I changed it slightly to suit me.


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Emma Ranson is a stay-at-home mum to two beautiful girls- Grace and Sienna. She followed her heart to Hamilton and loves hanging out with her family- including her Australian Terrier Cross dog, Ruby. Emma is a whizz at all things crafty and loves the challenge of creating something new.

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