
Kinect Adventures! is a full-featured Kinect game where you and your friends will explore the world – and beyond – through 20 active adventures to achieve the ultimate reward: Expert Adventurer status!

I’m liking

This game has 5 different games within it – Rallyball, River Rush, Reflex Ridge, Space Pop and 20 000 leaks.

Our 4 year old enjoyed playing Rallyball as she was able to knock the blocks down. As an adult, I thought I’d smash her but, in fact, she was just as good as I was! Which was kind of cool!

River Raft is a fun rafting game that works well as a two person game and you certainly get a sweat up playing it! Similarly, Reflex Ridge is exhausting!

Our daughter absolutely adored 20 000 leaks – where you need to plug leaks in a fish tank. Low skill required but fast moving and very entertaining!

Things that made me go hmmmm

River Rafting is a Live game and technically you can play it over the network with other players. However, we had real trouble with this and never managed to get it working successfully.

The conclusion

The games in this game are good fun but a bit limited in their appeal. They don’t really develop much and while they are fun for a while, there’s not much on-going challenge for adults. However, they’re perfect for playing with others and good fun if you have visitors or kids who have limited attention spans!


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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